Hey Sweeties!
Hats, hats and hats I love them. Whenever I go into a department store I always try them on I swear the staff at Debenhams are like 'Oh god she's back'. I don't ever care what I look like in them it's fun!
I never really wore hats until I started 6th form, where there was no uniform, you could wear what ever you'd like.
I've bought 3 hats in the past month so I thought I'd share my collection, however small it is unfortunately.

1. £10 Simply Be 2. £4 Primark
3. £5 Matalan 4. £8 Primark
5. River Island £8 6. £2 (sale) Matalan
I've been nominated for the Liebster award by the lovely Kirsty over at Just Like Heaven!
Thank you m'dear!
11 Random Facts...
1. I hate my bum, it's far too small.
2. I'm addicted to chicken.
3. I miss painting.
4. I take too many photographs.
5. I'd be lost without my friends.
6. Me and Kate have booked our seats for the last ever midnight showing of Twilight.
7. I'm gutted that I don't have tickets to see Nicki Minaj.
8. Each time I hear Little Talks - Of Monster and Men I fall in love with it more and more.
3. £5 Matalan 4. £8 Primark
5. River Island £8 6. £2 (sale) Matalan
I've been nominated for the Liebster award by the lovely Kirsty over at Just Like Heaven!
Thank you m'dear!
11 Random Facts...
1. I hate my bum, it's far too small.
2. I'm addicted to chicken.
3. I miss painting.
4. I take too many photographs.
5. I'd be lost without my friends.
6. Me and Kate have booked our seats for the last ever midnight showing of Twilight.
7. I'm gutted that I don't have tickets to see Nicki Minaj.
8. Each time I hear Little Talks - Of Monster and Men I fall in love with it more and more.
9. Just encase I ever win the lottery, I have a list of people in my purse who I'd share the money with.
10. Every Sunday the first thing I do is reading Postsecret.
11. I've watched every episode of Grey's Anatomy, True Blood, NCIS, Castle and Rizzoli & Isles.
Kirsty's Questions...
10. Every Sunday the first thing I do is reading Postsecret.
11. I've watched every episode of Grey's Anatomy, True Blood, NCIS, Castle and Rizzoli & Isles.
Kirsty's Questions...
Why did you decide to start blogging?
I wanted to create something that I could look back on and see how I've developed as a person and in life.
Were you a trouble-maker or a good kid in school?
I wasn't really a trouble maker, I got a few detentions for not doing my homework but that was about it.
What are your favourite TV shows?
It'd have to be the ones in fact 11. Grey's Anatomy, True Blood, NCIS, Castle and Rizzoli & Isles.
Do you prefer dressing for summer or winter?
Defiantly summer.
What is your natural hair colour?
Light Brown.
If you could wish for one book/tv/film/comic universe to be real which would it be? (Weird question I know but I’m dying to go to Hogwarts haha)
Haha, I'd love to go to Hogwarts too! I am a member of Pottermore. I'd love the Hunger Games to be real, but I'd be living in The Capitol though not the Districts.
What one thing do you want to achieve within the next year?
To finally have a tattoo done for my Grandad. Now that I have a job, I should be able to save enough for it.
Have you ever had any embarrassing hair/make-up/wardrobe disasters? Do tell :)
When I was 6 my cousin and I decided to play hairdressers. She got a pair of real scissors and started to cut. I had long hair, so one side was long and the other short, in the end I had to get a mushroom cut.
What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
Abseiled down a steep cliff, I was pooping myself! I actually stood in cow poo before I done it so that was all I could smell on the way down.
What beauty/hair product do you swear by?
Lush's Cynthia Sylvia Stout Shampoo. Made with Lemons and Beer, gives an amazing shine and smells great.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
There are many places I want to travel, but right now I want tickets to Hong Kong to see my dad since he now lives out there. I haven't seen him for 4 months.
With Love,
M! xo